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Monday, 7 November 2016

Partner Profile - Kim Glassborow

Kim Glassborow is a Partner at G&B Lawyers, a Sydney city firm offering specialised legal services in waste management, town-planning, environmental law and property.

She provides strategic advice on all aspects of town-planning, local government and environmental law. 

Kim was previously the Senior Legal Counsel at Dial-A-Dump Industries (a large waste management and landfill facility) and The Next Generation (NSW) Pty Ltd who are proposing the first Energy from Waste facility in NSW. Prior to that, she was a Senior Lawyer at Clayton Utz in Sydney.

Kim advises clients on a wide range of planning and environment related matters, including merit appeals and judicial reviews in the Land & Environment Court, contaminated land legislation, compulsory land acquisitions, valuation disputes, pollution incidents, regulatory issues, prosecutions and enforcement proceedings.

Over the last 12 years, Kim has advised clients and acted in matters involving State and Federal legislation, issues and regulators and she regularly liaises with various government authorities and departments at a Local, State and Federal level.

Kim is also the author of the Lexis Nexis legal publication entitled ‘Annotations to the NSW Land and Environment Court Act & Rules’ and has a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) / Bachelor or Laws from the University of New South Wales.

G&B Lawyers

Office: Suite 1, Level 1, 229 Macquarie Street, Sydney, NSW 2000

Mail: GPO Box 1849, Sydney, NSW 2001

M: 0481 287 528 | 0411 067 367

E: info@gandblawyers.com.au

W: www.gandblawyers.com.au